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No. Image Title/Pub.Year Author Publisher Language
764 Korean Repository( Jan.Feb.Apr.May.Jun.,Jul. , 1898)/1898

first edition ca.40 pages per monthly magazine.
H.G.Appenzeller,Geo.Heber Jones(Editors) The Trilingual Press,Seoul English

763 Korean Repository (January - December,1895) /1985

hard cover, 8vo. 484 pages.
H.G Appenzeller, Geo. Heber Jones(Editors) The Trilingual Press,Seoul English

742 Bellum Tartaricum, or the Conquest of the Great and Moft Renowned Empire of China /1654

hard cover 240 pages. Very scarce and first Western material dealing with Korean war aganist China from December 1636 to January 1637.
MARTINIUS, Martin John Crook,London English

737 Zapiski perevodchika, sostavlennyia perevodchikom pri okruzhnom upravlenii na Ostrove Tsusime Otano Kigoro(Translator's Notes [on Korea], Compiled by a Translator at the Regional Directorate on the Island of Tsusima, Otano Kigoro. First published in Japanese in 1794) /1884

Translator's Notes on Korea, Compiled by a Translator at the Regional Directorate on the Island of Tsusima, Otano Kigoro. First published in Japanese in 1794................Life and customs at the palace; the capital; regulations of the inhabitants; the emperor's church; relations with the court of Peking; noteworthy mountains, rivers, fortresses, markets; Traffic routes; Provincial administration; celebrations and customs of the Koreans; Buddhism; Regulations of officials, their examinations, Solemn processions of the officials, Customs and Ceremonies, marriages,death; Real estate tax; Literature and art; Home defense; Penal laws; weights and measures; Food and clothing; Dwellings; Home production; Agriculture. Scarce. OCLC and RLIN show only three copies: Univ. Leiden, Harvard, and Nat. Diet. Lib. In Russian
Otano Kigoro (Author)/P.Dmitrevskii (Transrator in Russian) Tip. Imp. Akademii Nauk),St.Petersberg Others

730 Korea. Eine Sommerreise nach dem Lande der Morgenruhe /

hardcover, 8 vo. first edition.220 pages. illustrated with numerous sketches on Korean culture in the second healf of 19th century.
Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg Verlag von Carl Reissner,Leipzig German

709 LIFE IN COREA /1888

hard cover, 8 vo.317 pages. first edition.Personalized descriptions based upon the authors eighteen month residence in Korea as British Vice Consul, 1884-1885. Interspersed with the naration are several historical pieces.
W.R.Carles Macmillan and Company,London/New York English

676 VOYAGE En COREE(from Le Tour de Monde published in 1889)/1889

Disbounded from Le Tour de Monde published in 1889. Korea section: page from 289 to page 368 .Illustrated with more than 100 sketches showing Life stytle of Koreans and Korean architectures etc.
Le Tour de Monde Librairie HACHETTE,Paris French

662 Rulers of the World at Home/1899

hardcover, 8 vo. 416 pages illustrated with over 220 photographs of families of Emperors of the world at the end of 19th century.
Gilson Willets The Christian Herald,New York English

660 The Illustrated Americans August 18,1894/1894

Extracted pages from The Illustrated Americans August 18,1894 from page 198 to page 201 with 7 black and white photographs.
The Illustrated Americans The Illustrated Americans English

658 Voyages La Coree et Japon(1786)Bibiolthèque universelle des Dames /1786

hardcover, pocket sized book(13 x 8,5cm) 270 pages. Korea section: from page 3 to page 50.
Rue d¡¯Anjou-Dauphine, n¡Æ 6,paris Rue d¡¯Anjou-Dauphine, n¡Æ 6,Paris French

605 Die Reise zum PEKTUSAN/1954

harcover, 8 vo. cloth. 362 pages.The original work was written by Mr. Alexander Voltz in Russian.This book was translated from Russian into German.Very rare and detailed survey of the PEKTUSAN by Mr.Alexander Voltz during his Journey in the Petusan(Mt.Long and White Mountain ) spanning the territory of China and Noth Korea.
N.G.Garin-Michailowski Sachsenverlag Dresden,Germany German

590 KOREA Eine Sommerreise nach dem Lande de Morgenruhe./1904

hardcover, large 8 vo.239 pages. First edition. Illustrated with photographs and some sketches in color. Important source on the study of Korea at the end of the 19th century. Focused on Political Situations ,Costume and Social Condition of Korea.
Ernest von Hesse-Wartegg Verlag von Carl Reissner ,Dresden,Germany German

588 Democratic People's Republic of Korea (in Russian) /1954

hard cover, 8 vo. 446 pages plus a map.First edition. Acadmic work on the study of the Democratic People's Repblic of Korea.
The Institute of Eastern Studies of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. Publishing House of the Academy of Science of the USSR. Others

587 An American Girl's Trip to the Orient and around the World./1900

hard cover, 8 vo. 176 pages. First edition. Illustrated with b/w photographs. A nice photographic journey of this woman's travels, mostly all of the Orient (Korea, China, Japan), not just the typical things, there are a couple disturbing photos of punishments, Korean cash, and then some more typical things like idol statues, pagodas, etc. Very scarce source on Far Eastern countries.
Christine Collbran Rand ,McNalley & Company,Chicago and New York English

579 REVUE des DEUX MONDES ,liv annee-troisieme pediode ,Tome 51,Janvier 1884./1884

hard cover, 8 vo.960 pages. Korea section: from page 875 to page 907.(general informations based on ) 1) Histoire de l'glise de Coree de Coree,par M.Ch.Dallet,missionaire,Paris. 2) History of Corea,ancient and modern,by the rev.John Ross Paisley. 3) Statistiques officielles des douanes japonaises avec la Coree,Yokohama.
Bureau de la Revue des Deux Mondes Bureau de la Revue des Deux Mondes French

564 GUIDE TO Seoul/Map of Seoul/Korea Graphic Sep.15,1946/1946

It's a booklet called "Guide To Seoul" issued by the U.S. Army for soldiers stationed in Korea published in 1946(circa) There are 51 pages wth many photographs and much information including history, people,education, the city, scenic spots, churches, shopping, amusements, Inch'on and even a short list of Korean phrases. There's also a section on the military's mission. With it comes a military newspaper entitled "Korea Graphic" dated Sept, 15, 1946, again issued by the military wirh many photos.
24th Corps of U.S.Army . English

547 Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Volume 2-Part 1,1901/1901

Volume 1 of the Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society founded in Seoul in 1900. 58 pages. Content:1)KANG-WHA(Ë°ü¤)by Rev.M.N.Trollope . 2) The Spirit Worship of the Koreans
Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Seoul,Korea . English

546 Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Voume 3-part 1,1903/1903

Volume 3,part 1 of the Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society founded in Seoul in 1900. 61 pages. contents: 1)Cho'e Chi-Wun,His Life and Times 2)The Culture and Preparation of Ginseng in Korea 3)Minutes of the Annual Meetings 4)Report of the Council Appendix: Officers/List of members/Catalogue of the Landis Library.
Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Seoul,Korea . English

545 Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Volume 1. 1900/1900

Volume 1 of the Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society founded in Seoul in 1900. 88 pages. contents: The Influence of China upon Korea/Korean Survivals/Collosal Buddha at Eun-Jin/Minutes of General Meetings. Appendix: Office Bearers/List of Members/Constitutions and By-Laws.
Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Seoul,Korea . English

540 I KOREA/1912

Hard cover, 8 vo.368 pages .Illustrated with 135 photographs taken by a Swedish Newspaper Correspondent. First edition of a narrative by a Swedish newspaper correspondent who was stationed in Japan during the war and from there made a visit to Korea.
GREBST, WILLIAM DANIEL AUGUST A:SON Göteborg, Förlagsaktiebolaget Västra Sverige,Sweden Others

471 Visions d'Extreme-Orient/COREE -Chine-Indochine-Siam-Birmanie/1928

Paperback,225 pages. first and only edition. Illustrated with 80 photographs. General information on Korea ,China,Indochina,Siam and Burma in 1920'.
Robert Chauvelot Berger-Levrault,Editeurs,Paris French


paperback,173 pages. first edition. General description on Coree and Russo-Japanese War.
Villetard de Laguerie Librairie ch.Delagrave,Paris French

458 Le VOYAGEUR Francois ou La Connoissance de L'ancien et du Nouveau Monde(Tom 6)/1768

hardcover,456 pages.volume six of 42 volumes of travel accounts dealing with Japan,Korea,Tartar. Korea section: from page266 to page 298.
M.L'abbe Delaporte Chez L.Cellot ,Impremeur-Libraire ,Paris French

451 KOREAN REVIEW Volume 2 Number 1(September 1949)/1949

paperback,71 pages. 8vo. Contents: 1) Regional Diversity in Korea 2)Old Korea World Maps 3)A Brief Sketch of the South Korean Interim Legislative Assembly. 4)The Korean and Their Living Space:An Attempted Analysis in Terms of Political Geography. 5)Notes on the Korean Language 6)Notes and Comments 7)Aims and Activities of the Korean-American Cultural Association.
Korean-American Cultural Association,Inc. . English

438 Korean Research Bulletin Volume 1 Number 1, 2 ,3-4,Volume 2 Number 1-2( 1943-1944)/1943

[Los Angeles 1943, Korean Research Council. ] Paper wrappers, very good,8vo. 32p, Vol. 1 No. 1, Jan 1943, bib, Japan's Foreign Policy & Its Setting in the World Today, by Sae Woon Chang. The bulletin discusses various aspects of Korea and it's often changing position in the global theater. There are usually astute references to Japan & Japanese wars, the U.S. as well as things more intimately Korean; the Korean National Anthem, Korean folk songs, Korean geography & agriculture as well as political relations......................Los Angeles 1943, Korean Research Council]. White wrappers, very good, 32p., Vol. 1 No. 2 Sept. 1943. The bulletin discusses various aspects of Korea and it's often changing position in the global theater. There are usually astute references to Japan & Japanese wars, the U.S. as well as things more intimately Korean; the Korean National Anthem, Korean folk songs, Korean geography & agriculture as well as political relations...............Los Angeles 1944, Korean Research Council]. White wrappers, very good, 62p., bibliography, Vol. 1 Nos. 3 & 4, July 1944 as one issue. The bulletin discusses various aspects of Korea and it's often changing position in the global theater. There are usually astute references to Japan & Japanese wars, the U.S. as well as things more intimately Korean; the Korean National Anthem, Korean folk songs, Korean geography & agriculture as well as political relations..............Los Angeles 1945, Korean Research Council]. White wrappers, very good, 29p., Vol. 2 No's 1 & 2, May 1945, 17 tables, bib-liog. Problems in Agriculture in Post-War Korea by K. S. Yum. The bulletin discusses various aspects of Korea and it's often changing position in the global theater. There are usually astute references to Japan & Japanese wars, the U.S. as well as things more intimately Korean; the Korean National Anthem, Korean folk songs, Korean geography & agriculture as well as political relations.
Korean Reaserch Council,L.A. . English

436 KOREAN REVIEW ,June 1948,Volume 1 Number 1/1948

paperback, 8 vo.61 pages. Reaserch Bulletin on Korean Studies published semiannually by Far Eastern Institute of the University of the Washington. Contents: 1) Reflections on American-Korean Relations 2) A Short Biography of Admiral Lee Sun-sin,by Lee Pun 3)A Study of The Development and the Technique of Japanese Imperialism in Korea 1904-1910. 4) A Brief Historical Reviw of the Korean Language 6) The Korean-American Cultural Association,Inc.
Korea-American Cultural Association,Inc. The University of Washington Press English

409 KOREA(Our Mission in Korea)/1947

paperback,8vo.220 pages. first edition.circa 1947.Illustrated with numerous b/w photographs and sketches(more than 200 ) .A guide book for the United States occupation forces in Korea.
Lieutenant General John R.Hodge,United States Army Commanding. Troop Information & Education Section , Headquarters 24 Corps(U.S.A.) English

400 Commercial Travellers' Guide to the Far East/1926

hard cover, 8vo.384 pages.23 maps. Detailed informations on Japan(including Korea)/China/Philippine IslandsNetherlands East Indies/British Malaya/French Indo-China/Siam/Indian Empire and Ceylon/Australia/New Zealand. Korea section: from page 47 to page 50.
Department of Commerce ,U.S.A. Washington Government Printing Office. English

386 The National geographic Magazine June 1947/1947

145 pages. Korea section:from page 829 to page 840: With the U.S.Army in Korea. (with 7 illustrations and map)
National Geographic Society . English

385 The National geographic Magazine July 1919/1919

88 pages. Korea section: from page 21 to page 48:Exploring Unknown Corners of the Hermit Nations (with 31 black and white illustrations)
National geographic Society . English

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